Team Facebook or Team Google?

| Posted in , , , , , | Posted on 11/21/2010 03:56:00 PM

It’s apparent that Facebook is going all the way for total web domination. It is not settling for 2nd, so what the option is? Compete head to head with the number 1, Google. It is not a surprise that FB is removing Gmail in its 3rd party email providers. 

With the recent announcement of the new Facebook Messaging service and email address to be assigned to FB users still fresh, the social network giant is now suggesting to users to make it as its homepage. Doing so will boost a traffic and ranking of Facebook a great way. Notice that most Internet users don’t bother to change their home page (mine is actually still Google because it’s the default homepage for Firefox).

Do you guys think the social network king can overthrow the search engine king? Will you use the email ad when it’s made available? What is your current homepage?  Hit the comments section below.

Comments (2)

of course lah! but i must say facebook is like a gift from heaven for organizations etc -it's damn convenient!

Why can't just the 2 giants get along?

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